Monday, September 17, 2007

Chinese undead

Have you ever wondered why Chinese undead are all wearing that particular type of dress while moving about by hopping around with their arms stretched out in front of them?

The reason dates back to when the Japanese started to invade China. During this time, the Japanese slaughtered so many Chinese military officers (The dress is actually that of a military officer of China at that era) that there are too many corpses all around in the cities of China for the people to handle. To be efficient, the people devised a special method to clean up these corpses perhaps for identification purposes or just a part of the ceremony being held to treat these corpses as they should be treated. The method to line up these corpses was to tie their hands onto the trees by using ropes in standing position. This explains why the hands of these corpses are positioned as such.

On why they are moving around in hops, it is because of one very simple reason. All of us know that corpses are stiff in nature, and thus, they are not able to move swiftly and with relative ease like what we living people are doing. This is why they are moving about that way.

If any of you readers are wondering why I am suddenly bringing up this topic, this is because a friend of mine was talking about this in his website and I would also like to convey this message across.

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