Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Trying time

Progress in Suikoden has not been good due to time constraints at the moment. However, starting from next month onwards, there will be PLENTY of playing time for me, and the playing time that will be available is in fact comes in excess. It is scary to think that I have an approximate of 3 hours of playing day at least everyday. Even more so on the weekend, I keep my fingers crossed that I will have a sufficient number of games to sustain me until November, but I doubt that will happen considering the amount of playing time I will be having from October to the end of November.

Many people would congratulate me and some people have even urged me to be thankful for the “luck” that I have for having plenty of playing time. However, I am far from happy as instead of blessing in disguise, in this particular case, there’s actually a curse in disguise. On the surface, it seems really awesome to be having plenty of playing time to boot, but it is actually not that great after all.

First and foremost, those three hours or more each day designated for playing is actually not a leisure time. Those hours are actually the waiting time between two demanding activities of the day. Secondly, on these days for the two months period (from October to November) I must wake up before the rooster even gets to the REM sleep, which is in the unholy hour of 5am and from that time onwards, I will be kept really busy like a prisoner in a concentration camp until at least 8pm before I could feel the comfort of my home. Even then, nothing could be done as it would be so late to do anything and the next day, the cycle starts again. Thirdly, during the long hours of waiting, it is not that as if I will be getting a very comfortable place to play Suikoden or any other games I might be playing. Instead, I will be playing in the worst of all places with so many disturbances and irritants alike constantly bugging me. This is compounded with the fact that I would not be at 100% due to the early time I have to wake up at and the demanding and sometimes ridiculous activities that I have to go through on the day.

So I am just praying to God, god, goddess, deity, Zeus or whoever is up there listening that I will get through this trying time in one piece. The whole struggle will start from 8th October 2007 and will stretch all the way until 25th October 2007 if I am lucky or if I am unlucky, it will last until 22nd November 2007.

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